Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bunnylicious (No, he didn't acutally cut one up)

Watching a clip of the Valerie Jarrett and all Glenn's got is: Six snide expressions and a bunny? (He's holding a bunny. A cuddly little bunny. Maybe his therapist thought that would be a good idea.)

by mentioning "Investing in a Lamborghini," the master of implication colors whatever Obama's going to say in the State of the Union with the brush of a dumbass who would try to buy a Lamborghini while destitute. The Left "doesn't really believe what it's saying." So, what the left is saying could be the way to go, but they're lying about it? Hmmm?

Glen's next book "My pet Stories," will be available soon. Chinese songs, Radical teachers, Noble Educators. I'm impressed. Glen is praising Noble Educators today.

When a dean of a school does something noble, Glenn's right there. (Only if the disturbed kid wasn't carrying a gun, though, just a knife. Had he been carrying a gun, would Glen have characterized him as disturbed?

But when Noble Educators try to teach, then they're traitors.

Oh Jeezus Mentioning Bill Ayers. That's so 2008
Van Jones
Che Guevara

Frances Fox Piven quoting from a 1966. article. Nine teen Sixty Six This is the part that makes me roll around the house screaming. In 1966 every radical then had a vision that in 2010-2011 their words would have huge batches of made up followers (that have shrines to Acorn on their walls, evidently) that would be "Out to Dehstroy the Countree!!!"

What Glenn hates obviously is context:

The context is that these quotes and discussions are more than 40 years old.

Creating "current" doom and gloom out of 45 year old rhetoric is disingenuous.

Those writers were not writing about what's going on now, the economic disaster engineered by big banks...

So he's misusing history in two ways. Creating a sub reality where "Power to the People," was a slogan someone came up with last week....and telling us that Ben Franklin wasn't a playa, that Thomas Paine was a "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," devotee, and that John Adams thought like a 21r'st century American Evangelical.

From Bill Ayers right to Islam. To Soros, to self promotion. No segue.

And bunnies and chainsaws and we haven't even hit the halfway point yet.

Life is a lottery under Dems evidently.

Oh, dear, he's not happy because someone from the NYT wrote that he has responsibility for the words that come out of his mouth.

Free speech means Free speech, but it doesn't exempt any pundit or citizen or politician from the "consequences," of that speech. I think the Right should just nod, and say, "Yep, we know our right edge might go off, if we say ____, but since it doesn't affect our lives, we don't care."

"Opportunity" from MLK... I don't claim I know. But I think it might have had to do with...opportunity to get an education with an eye towards having...WORK. JOBS. ...and housing etc.

And Beck is equating MLK with some 1980's greed-is-good uber consumer.

You know, an hour of this stuff is about 59 minutes too much. But I said I'd be here, so I am.

And finally we get to bunnies and chainsaws. The incoherence of this string of stuff leading up to bunnies and chainsaws would get him kicked out of fourth grade.

He says yep, he'd cut up a bunny to make a point. Has a minion run the chain saw...doesn't cut it up...and says the point will be made tomorow without the death of a bunny.

Pointless bunny threatening.

This is the new civility.

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